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What is this website? We already have half a dozen sites for Walden/North Park.

This one is DIFFERENT! This website showcases ALL of North Park and everything it has to offer. One thing I notice with the influx of workers and travelers stranded here this winter is that there is no place to find information readily available. Having a corner store on Main Street is a natural place for visitors inquiring about the area. Being a liquor store helps too. My liquor store/aka visitor center gets asked for directions, event information, housing requests and construction recommendations DAILY! This everyday occurrence is inspiring, yet disheartening. We need a place to share ALL information about North Park and positively promote our community from business to events. So I hope this is just the beginning. I want anyone that has anything to do with North Park-Walden-Cowdrey-Rand-Jackson County-Gould-etc…… to have a common connection and presence on this site. If you are an entrepreneur and you sell Tupperware I want to list your name and number. If you whittle wood and make lamps, let me hook you up. If you take people horseback riding, boat riding, atv riding or any kind of riding I want to share your information on this site. Do you love to photograph the beauty of our Bullpen. Let me spread the word. This blog is an open forum for anybody that wants to volunteer to be a guest blogger. The people that can tell the stories of North Park are the ones that have lived or experienced life here. I want your stories. If you have been shaped by North Park and have seen it and done it, I invite you. I want future businessman, students, old and young to write this North Park Blog. This website is for patriots of North Park and for those that are so lucky to come and visit our community. Let’s give people a reason to move here or just visit while providing them with information they need. This site is a positive outlet to share all that is North Park. If you are interested remotely, or know someone who is please share the site and all the opportunities you can!

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©2013-2017 NP Bullpen Marketing/ Photography by Jamie J Brown Photography.

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