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High Altitude Shoot Out

High Altitude Shootout

The 10th Frame in Walden, Colorado will host it's first annual 2017 High Altitude Shootout Tournament on Saturday, April 29th. Kathi Manville, owner/operator of the bowling alley, hopes to draw participants from the states of Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska.

The tournament will start at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 29th. It is a USBC Certified Tournament and all entrants must have a current USBC membership card. The tournament is limited to 24 bowlers and no entry will be scheduled without a $65 entry fee.

The tournament will start with one qualifying round consisting of 6 games across 6 lanes, participants moving one pair each game. The number of bowlers advancing will be determined by number of tournament entries. Advancing bowlers will then bowl 3 games across 6 lanes, moving one pair each game. The top 6 bowlers will bowl a stair-step final.

The tournament will be a handicap tournament and the handicap will be 80% of 220. Bowlers' current 2016-2017 average will be used. Participants are required to bring their current league standing sheet. If participant does not have an average for the 2016-2017 season, the final average for the 2015-2016 season will be used.

Prize money will be returned 100%. Total prize money awarded will be based upon total

number of entry fees collected at the beginning of the tournament. Manville stated that if there are 24 entrants, the first place prize money will be $300. The winner of the tournament will also receive a 2018 Tournament entry.

If this sounds like it could be right up your alley, contact Kathi Manville at The 10th Frame, 970.723.8616 or by email at

More information about the tournament can also be found on The 10th Frame's Facebook

The 10th Frame High Altitude Shootout

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