Awe Sprinter
It’s a precarious time of year here in North Park. Mother Nature can’t decide if its winter or spring from one day to the next. It’s the season we refer to as “SPRINTER”- half spring, half winter. When I awoke to 3" of new snow yesterday morning, I did more than grumble. Then I took a drive North and was mesmerized by the spring beauty that covered the Park.

Most North Parkers have a love/hate relationship with this dreaded time of year. It’s great to leave home and not need 10 layers of clothes, however, many days I’m wishing I would have put on at least the third layer instead of settling for just two. The snow white arctic tans that have been hidden all winter are now offering a new canvas for farmer tans to make their mark.

The ground is warm enough to tease us with the ability to dig and start pulling dreaded grass out of the flower beds. On an occasional rainy day we even find worms surfacing. What’s not to love about a North Park spring! There’s adorable baby calves, lambs and colts sure to drop every time the barometer goes on a bender.

Perhaps the reason we refer to this time of year as “Sprinter” isn’t only because of the weather; ironically it’s when our tracksters are out fighting the elements and sprinting another kind of race to summer!