Celebrate Lincoln Day
The Lincoln Day event is celebrated by Republican parties nationwide to celebrate President Lincoln, the first Republican President of the United States. This Saturday the Jackson County Republicans will gather to celebrate. The event will be held at 11:30 AM at the River Rock Café. A roast beef luncheon will be served at the cost of $25.00/plate. Locally it is the only fund raiser the Republican Party does to help pay for political ads and offset expenses incurred going to state conventions and meetings.
The committee works hard to provide entertaining and conservative speakers. This year the keynote speaker is national bestselling author Reid Lance Rosenthal. He is also the host of “On The Right Side” Radio. "Reid is fourth generation land and cattle. His cowboy heart and poet’s pen captures the spirit of the western landscape and its influence on generations of its settlers. His long-standing devotion to wild and remote places, and to the people—both past and present—who leave their legend and footprint upon America and the American West is the inspiration and descriptive underpinning of all of his writing." (http://reidlancerosenthal.com/)

Gubernatorial candidate, Vic Mitchell will also address the group and answer questions voters have. Jackson County attracts a quality program and is regularly attended by conservative leaders in our state. Last year the Colorado State Vice Chair, as well as US Senate candidate Darryl Glenn attended and spoke at our event. Two years ago, Secretary of State Wayne Williams was here with the Colorado state party secretary and state chairman.
This is a wonderful opportunity for local Republicans to meet state candidates without traveling, and an opportunity for them to voice their concerns. Local elected officials will be in attendance too and it's a terrific opportunity to get one on one time with them as well.
Our local party is trying to entice younger people. There are challenges in people wanting to be active in the party but I truly believe we are trying to be more open and welcoming to anyone that wants to participate. We need to promote conservative values state wide, get back to our grass root beliefs and have rural Colorado represented better.

All local constituents are invited to attend. Please RSVP to Wendy at 970-217-0613. We hope to see you at the River Rock Café this Saturday, May 13 at 11:30 AM to build a stronger local Republican Party organization that continues to work hard for the voters of Jackson County.