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How Far Is The Nearest Starbucks

How far is it to the nearest Starbucks? For most of the eleven-other people in my group, it was only a few minutes’ drive or walk from their house, but for me, it’s an hour away over a mountain pass! Being the only kid from a small town in a group of twelve, this blew their minds.

I recently went to an Ambassador Leader’s Summit at Harvard, in Cambridge Massachusetts. This was an amazing experience, where I learned and experienced many things. The summit started on June 17, 2017. My mom dropped me off at Harvard, and then left me under the care of the wonderful staff of the Ambassador Leaders. She flew home the next day, leaving me alone in a sea of 200 kids, only knowing one person who was from Kremmling Colorado. We have played each other in basketball, so we generally know each other, but we weren’t in the same group and didn’t see each other much. All the kids were put into groups of 12 with one teacher-leader. My teacher-leader was Mr. Jolly. Thus, giving us reason to name our group the Jolly’s Ranchers. My group was comprised of 5 boys and 7 girls, which was quite a change for me, since the majority of my class and neighborhood are boys. We had kids from California, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, South Carolina, Ohio, Georgia, Illinois, and Mexico.

I had a great time working on our action plan with this group and got to learn a lot about them. Part of the summit was creating an action plan that we could use to help our community. Our action plan was called “The Ranch”. “The Ranch” is geared towards teens and young adults. It offers programs such as cooking, food waste and management, stress management, money management, interview skills, and driving safety.

While at the summit, we attended a Global Youth Panel, comprised of students attending the summit. Not all eleven countries that were there were represented on the panel, but most of them were. We learned about Bangladeshi culture, Spanish culture, Philippine culture, life in the Northern Marianna Islands, and for those not from the United States, culture in the United States. This was very interesting and educational.

Another activity that we did at Harvard, was the “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” workshop. We completed this over two half days. This material is actually featured in our planners at school, so it was mostly just an in-depth review for me, however, I did gain a bit more insight to the habits. The “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” book is written by Sean Covey, and is an adapted version of Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”.

After a great week with my amazing group I had to leave. I flew home by myself on June 23, 2017. This Summit was an amazing experience for me, that without the nomination of Mrs. Sheil and the NP Middle School teachers I would have missed. I would recommend that if anyone ever gets the chance to attend one of these summits, to act as a teacher-leader or planner, to accept, because it can really change your view and your life. Who knows, maybe you’ll even find another

person who lives an hour away from Starbucks.

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