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Wildlife Rehab Update

Hello Friends of North Park Wildlife Rehabilitation,

I want to share with you some pictures of beautiful creatures that have come to me this year. They often come in as you can imagine looking pretty rough. These creatures are amazing and true blessings.

Granby the Great-horned Owl was struck by a vehicle and the Spencer family kindly agreed to meet me in Steamboat at my vet's office to speed the medical care. Granby recovered nicely and the Spencer's were there for his release.

Bell the Red-tailed Hawk was also struck by a vehicle. The wonderful Grand County CPW staff transported her to me. Upon arrival she had a bad head twitch from her head injury but with a lot of TLC she recovered and was released back with her family.

Lee the little Mule Deer Fawn was a treat for me as I don't usually get the large mammals but I had this little guy long enough to stabilize him before transfer. He was attacked by dogs. Chances are his mom would have cared for him if the individuals who picked him up had left him. Here is a wonderful example of how much the furs that many of you send in are of benefit to these stressed and scared little animals.

Ozzie the Osprey's sibling was preyed upon so to protect this little guy he was transferred to me by CPW until he could fly and better fend for himself. He ate like a little pig and within a few short weeks was flying well enough to go back to his family for further Osprey lessons that only a Osprey parent can give.

Thank-you everyone for your financial support, gifts of furs, and your prayers. As I always say, you stand in the gap with me.



North Park Wildlife Rehabilitation

6119 County Road 22

Walden, CO 80480


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